Program Specific Outcomes
Graduates will be able to
- PSO 1: Apply knowledge of basic science and engineering principles to biological systems.
- PSO 2: Analyze biomolecules using advanced molecular techniques and computational tools to address major challenges in Life Science.
- PSO 3: Develop eco-friendly solutions to address diverse environmental & Societal problems.
Program Education Objectives
- Skill : Enable our graduates to identify, analyse and solve industrial and environmental problems by implementing acquired skills.
- Career : Encourage our graduates to apply their engineering knowledge as an individual or in a team to excel in higher studies, research, teaching and industry.
- Lifelong learning: Instil in our graduates a desire to engage in lifelong learning that will foster their career with an impact on society.
- Ethics : Inculcate in our graduates to develop high level of professionalism and ethical attitude with awareness of current issues in relation to safety, health and environment.
To impart quality education, training and research in multidisciplinary domains of biotechnology for the benefit of society and environment.
- To provide globally acceptable technical education in the field of biotechnology by encouraging innovative thinking with practical insights.
- To promote team work and nurture students to serve society with ethical and environmental responsibilities.
- To foster students for higher studies, R&D activities and professional career in emerging trends of biotechnology .
From the HOD's Desk:
Biotechnology is a specialized scientific area focused towards providing better quality of life. Engineering applications of Biotechnology caters to industries such as agriculture, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, environment, energy and health sector to name a few. In nutshell, Biotechnology makes use of natural biological process for the benefit of mankind.
Dr. N. Rajeswari
Professor and Head
Department of Biotechnology.
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone : +91-80-42161748
Engineering Conclave
We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Girish Basavaraju, Section Head - Process Engineering, Safety, and Technology Transfer at Syngene International Ltd., as an expert for the "Engineering Conclave" for the Department of Biotechnology at DSCE on 13th July 2024. Dr. Girish will provide insights into the integration of process engineering and biotechnology for innovative healthcare solutions.
Importance of Entrepreneurial Mindset
Webinar on “Importance of Entrepreneurial Mindset” was conducted on 16th April 2024
Ideation to Inclubation: Steps in Entrepreneurship
Webinar on “Ideation to Inclubation: Steps in Entrepreneurship” was conducted on 1th April 2024
Clinical Trial Data Analytics Demystifying Career
Webinar on “Clinical Trial Data Analytics - Demystifying Career” was conducted on 26th April 2023, with Mr Peyush Rajput, MD-Founder & CEO, KITE-Ai Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Pune, Maharashtra as the speaker. 6th and 8th semester biotechnology students & faculties (total 62) participated in the session, coordinated by Dr. Shashank Tidke.
Biology for Engineers
Date: 17th- 21st April 2023
Venue: Dept of Biotechnology, Dr. CD Sagar building, DSCE
Faculty Co-ordinators: Dr. Jayaram L N, Dr. Prashantha Karunakar
Industrial Visit to Indo American Hybrid Seeds, Bengaluru
Industry visit organized by Ms. Supreetha K for 3rd semester students on 3rd Feb, 2023 to Indo American Hybrid Seeds and accompanied by Ms. Deepa Shetty. Indo American Hybrid Seeds is a leading company in producing hybrid seeds of vegetables, commercially important crops and ornamentals.
63rd Annual International Conference
2nd Best AMI Unit Award for the year 2022 at 63rd Annual International conference of Association of Microbiologist, India held on 2nd - 4th Feb, 2023.
Biofunctional Peptides in Food and Apetite Regulation
Webinar on “Biofunctional peptides in food and apetite regulation” was conducted on 5th January, 2023 with Dr.Uma.V.Manjappara, Principal Scientist, Dept. of Biochemistry, CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore as the speaker. Biotechnology students & faculties (total 80) participated in the session, coordinated by Dr. Hema Kumar C.
MoU signed by Biotechnology Department
On 27th December 2022, Dr. Rajeswari N., Head of the Department of Biotechnology along with Principal of DSCE: Dr. B. G. Prasad signed an MoU with Auxochromofours Solutions Pvt ltd.
Structure-Based Drug Design and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
A two-day Handson workshop was organized on 6th and 7th December 2022 with about 50 participants including students and staff of Department of Biotechnology along with external students. It was well delivered by Scrodinger resource persons Dr. Prajwal Nandekar and Dr. Kaushik Kasavajhala.
World Food Day
World Food Day -2022 was celebrated on October 17 and 18, 2022 with Theme: “Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow” Dr.Alok K.Srivastav, former Chief Scientist of CSIR-CFTRI and President of AFST(I) was the Chief guest and Key Note speaker. Dr.Hema Kumar C, and Prof.Supritha, K, coordinated the events that were followed by Quiz, Cooking without fire and Food stalls by the students.
Recent Advances in Smart-Sustainable Materials for Chemical and Biological Applications
Department of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology jointly organized 5 Day Faculty Development Program on “Recent Advances in Smart-sustainable Materials for Chemical and Biological Applications– RASMCB-2022” from 14th -18th November, 2022.
National Science Day
A two day event held on 24th and 25th March 2022, on the theme released by Department of Science and Technology, India titled “Integrated Approch in Science and Technology for a sustainable future”.
UG Program
- Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Biotechnology (4 Years)
Year of establishment: 2006
Students intake: 60
Research Program
- M. Sc (Res. & Engg.)
Ph. D
Biotechnology Skill Enhancement Programme (BiSEP)
Dr. N. Rajeswari
Dr. G. A. Ravishankar
Dr. Hema Kumar C
Dr. Shashank A Tidke
Dr. Akshatha Prasanna
Dr. Prashantha Karunakar
Dr. Pradeep H N
Dr. Jayaram L N
Mrs. Priya S
Mrs. K. Supreetha
Mrs. Bhanu Revathi
Biotechnology DEPARTMENT

Invited Talk
Dr. Vijay Danapur, CEO- VrikshaVijnan, Bengaluru gave a lecture on Utilization of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Industries on 2nd February, 2019.
Department has class rooms, tutorial rooms with all equipped with projectors. Department has well equipped laboratories with UPS Support.
Faculty Members of Biotechnology have Registered for Doctorate Programand Biotechnology Department has successfully completed 16 projects.
Department News
Workshop on Industrial lab safety and talk on Industrial Biosafetyby Mr. Thillai Chidambaram, Senior Scientist at Monsanto Pvt. Ltd
Department Highlights
Dr. Sinosh Skariyachan, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, DSCE was invited as resource person for DBT-HRD sponsored training programme on “Synthetic and molecular approaches for crop improvement” organized by Department of Biotechnology.
Department Publications
One of the main objectives and best practices of our department is to foster faculty members, research scholars and students to publish their research findings in reputed national and international journals with high citation index and impact factors such as Elsevier, Springer, Wiley-Blackwell, etc .
Innovation In Teaching and Learning
Cell Lines
A primary culture starts with biopsies from solid tissues or organs- embryos/ tumor cells --high proliferation capacity. These firmly attached cells have to be disaggregated to single cells-- mechanical dissociation and enzymatic detachment.
Animal cell culture techniques
19th Century Sydney Ringer developed salt solutions containing the chlorides of Na, K, Ca and Mg suitable for maintaining the beating of an isolated animal heart outside of the body. 1885: Roux maintained embryonic chick cells in saline
Preparation of Media
Culture medium is available in three forms from commercial suppliers: Powdered form: it needs to be prepared and sterilized by the investigator. Concentrated form: to be diluted by the investigator. Working solution: to be used directly without further manipulation.
Observation of morphology is the simplest and most direct technique to characterize cell lines. Study of the size, shape, and structure of cell. Most cells in culture can be divided in to five basic categories based on their morphology.
Solid waste management
Composting is the biological decomposition of the organic compounds of wastes, under controlled aerobic conditions.
Wastewater Characteristics
The degree of treatment depends on: Influent characteristics Effluent characteristics Impurities come from: Domestic activities Industrial activities Commercial activities
The central dogma of molecular biology deals with the detailed residue-by-residue transfer of sequential information. It states that such information cannot be transferred back from protein to either protein or nucleic acid
DNA polymerases
In 1956, Arthur Kornberg and colleagues discovered DNA polymerase I (Pol I), in Escherichia coli. They described the DNA replication process by which DNA polymerase copies the base sequence of a template DNA strand.
DNA Replication
A gene is the sequence of nucleotides within a portion of DNA that codes for a peptide or a functional RNA Sum of all genes = genome
Chromosomal inheritance and gene location
Chromosomes contain the units of heredity (genes) Pair chromosomes segregate during meiosis, each sex cell has half of the number of chromosomes found in a somatic cell. (Mendel’s law of segregation)
Genetic code
Genetic Code The letters A, G, T and C correspond to the nucleotides found in DNA. They are organized into codons. The collection of codons is called Geneticcode.
In eukaryotes, transcription and translation occur in separate compartments. In bacteria, mRNA is polycistronic; in eukaryotes, mRNA is usually monocistronic
Gene expression in Prokaryotic (Bacterial)
Regulator genes encode products that regulate the expression of other genes. In positive control mechanisms, the product of the regulator gene is required to turn on the expression of structural genes.
Post-transcriptional modifications OF RNA accomplish three things: Modifications help the RNA molecule to be recognized by molecules that mediate RNA translation into proteins.
Replication models in prokaryotic
DnaA contains two conserved regions: the first is located in the central part of the protein and corresponds to the ATP-binding domain, The second is located in the C-terminal half and is involved in DNA-binding
Transcription inhibitors
Many anti-cancer drugs inhibit transcription and most transcription inhibitors have useful pharmacological properties. Many experiments require inhibition of transcription. RNAP II is the most sensitive polymerase.
Transcription- The synthesis of mRNA from a DNA template Occurs in the 5’ ->3’ direction Involves RNA polymerase mRNA, tRNA and rRNA must all be transcribed for protein synthesis to take place
Food Biotechnology
Modern biotechnology refers to various scientific techniques used to produce specific desired traits in plants, animals or microorganisms through the use of genetic knowledge.