Imprint Club
Objective: Imprint is the content writing club of the AI&ML department. From content related to social media posts and descriptions to speeches, articles, blogs and project reports, we desire to learn and teach others the numerous different forms of content and technical writing.
Content Writing is a skill that fosters creative thinking and proper use of language to communicate our ideas effectively. Through our efforts, we hope to nurture in other the skills to create impressive writing and fruitful communication.
Inside Out
Objective: Introducing everyone to new ways on how they can improve their mental health and achieve their goals, for an overall better self.
AEye Horizons
Objective:To expose the students to the world of AI. For the effective transfer of information in all the recently developed and emerging Artificial Intelligence related fields and to give emphasis on their application.
Objective: Promoting Problem-Solving Skills: The competition aims to challenge participants' problem-solving abilities by presenting them with complex programming problems that require creative thinking and logical reasoning.
- To identify talented students with a strong aptitude for programming and related technologies from 3rd and 5th semester.
- To create a pool of potential candidates for code4thought’s future internship and employment opportunities.
- Introduce the concept of version control and how Git & GitHub work together to manage changes to code.
- Give students the opportunity to practice using Git & GitHub by creating a repository, making changes, committing code, and pushing changes to GitHub.
- Introduce the club as a student-run group that promotes learning and innovation through programming.
- Give a brief overview of programming for beginners
Objective:To introduce the class to code4thought - the learning incubator, our very own initiative to foster the spirit of competitive coding among students
Event Management

MUDITA - community development club

Objective:To provide an opportunity for students to engage in community service activities and give back to the society. To foster empathy and understanding towards the elderly and their challenges and contribute to their well-being.
WebDev Club
Blog Writing by Imprint
Objective:To teach students about blogs and give an introduction to them.
Summary: The session started with an introduction to blogs and a brief explanation on what they are.
Students were then given key points to remember while writing a blog .
The students were then given a small guideline on key sections or points to include in their blog
Read more..Imprint Session 4 - Whimsical
Imprint Session 4 - Whimsical
Objective:To help students understand Whimsical in order to design behavioral flow using wireframes.
Read more..Imprint Session -2: Figma
Code4thought event 7
Summary: The present code4thought coordinators, Pooja, Advaik, Nishank, Rahul and Peeyush, introduced themselves to the new batch of AI&ML students. The event began with a short and basic intro to the concepts of programming and how it can be implemented. The C language was introduced to them, and some basic functionality was explained. This was concluded by a fun quiz on mentimeter to test the students on their knowledge of the concepts introduced. They were also made aware of how to create a GitHub account and the importance of version control systems and open source culture.
Read more..Code4thought event 6
Objective:Online coding contest on
Summary: Students were already familiar with, so this session served to strengthen coding concepts of python further. A 40 minute contest to solve 4 tricky python problems ensured that everyone was on their toes.
Read more..Code4thought event 5
Objective:Make students practice data structures applications using C
Summary: A fun practice session on geeksforgeeks to familiarize students with applying data structures using the C programming language. The problems: “Delete middle element of a stack” and “find duplicates in an array” were solved, and multiple methods to do it were discussed by the peers.
Read more..Code4thought event 4
Objective:An intro to the world of competitive programming with binarysearch
Summary: A great start to the New Year with the students using binarysearch to have a fun programming contest with python. A 40 minute session with 4 tricky questions had everyone on their toes, making sure their code runs well to meet the time complexity required by the compiler. The students had a small taste of what lies ahead for them in the world of competitive programming, where speed and efficiency of code plays a major role.
Read more..Code4thought session 3
Code4thought session 3
Objective:Introduction to Git and GitHub - The first step towards open source
Read more..Code4thought session 2
Code4thought session 2
Objective: Introduction to python with string concatenation and introduction to the replit online IDE
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To introduce the vision and the objectives of the club.
Objective:To introduce the vision and the objectives of the club in front of the whole department.
Description: The session started with introduction of the name of the club and this name was chosen for this club. The awareness of community development was addressed and its importance was also discussed.
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WebDev Session 1 - HTML
Objective:To help students understand how to create a website using HTML .
Description: The session started with an explanation about HTML and the different tags which are used when scripting with HTML and then we moved on to HTML5 tags. Later in the session we gave the students an assignment and asked them to recreate the website given and submit the same.
Read more..Web workshop
To The Year 2023
“To The Year 2023”
Objective:To understand the importance of setting a schedule and following it for self development.
Description:The Department club “Inside out” , DSCE organized “To the year 2023”as a part of Events and club for the 3rd semester students on 29th December 2022.The club members spoke about setting a schedule as a part of their New Year 2023 resolutions.
Blog Writing Session for 3rd Semester
“ Blog Writing Session for 3rd Semester”
Objective:To learn what blogs are and its importance
Description:The session was organized by the Imprint Club on 23rdDecember 2022. The speakers were Bhavith, Samarth and Nishank, members of Imprint, the Content Writing Club of the AIML department.They explained the importance of blogs and how it helps improve your profile as a potential candidate for jobs.
Objective: Provide students an opportunity to interact with other students, faculties, and staff of AI&ML department.
Description:Student Orientation is planned to introduce students to the academic and co-curricular services and programs offered in AI&ML department.
Date: 04/10/2021
Event on ”Codeventure-Quiz2 ”
Objective: To introduce Fresher’s of the AI & ML dept. to the competitive programming world , Make them learn how to compete with fellow coders under time restrictions and to nourish their knowledge in C programming language.
Description:Dept. Of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning continued Codeventure series, an online Competitive Programming series.
Date: 17.06.2021
Event on ”Codeventure-Quiz1 ”
Objective: To introduce Fresher’s of the AI & ML dept. to the competitive programming world , Make them learn how to compete with fellow coders under time restrictions and to nourish their knowledge in C programming language.
Description:The smooth conduct of the event was ensured by Peeyush Gaur, who's Campus Evangelist for HackerEarth, and the team.
Date: 06.06.2021
Event on ”Hacker Earth –Basic Programming Test-1 ”
Hacker Earth –Basic Programming Test-1
Objective: To introduce fresher’s of the college to the competitive programming world, Make them learn how to compete with fellow coders under time restrictions and to nourish their skills in C programming language.
Description:AI &ML Dept. conducted an online Competitive Programming Event for all the first year students on 5th May, 2021.
Date: 05.05.2021
Objective: : A Vision setting event for the students of the department. of AI & ML, which will help to retain their focus and vision for years to come.
Description: Vision Board Creation Event gave students an opportunity to represent their desires and aspirations for a fulfilling life. Students had fun creating the Vision Board as it served as an invaluable tool to motivate and inspire them towards concrete daily action in pursuit of their biggest and most important life goals.
Date: 27/02/2021